RJ Verkfræðngar 

selja búnað frá Plymovent sem tryggir heilsusamlegt loft á þínum vinnustað

RJ Verkfæðingar selja búnað og mælitæki

sem tryggja hreint og heilsusamlegt loft.


The Sliding Balancer Track System (SBT) sets the standard in extracting vehicle emissions for fire and emergency response vehicles around the world.



● Auto-disconnect when exiting the building● Virtually 100% at-source capture through a unique automatic Grabber® nozzle; available in both a pneumatic and magnetic version● Automatic start- stop of fan by using an exhaust sensor
The SBT system is the preferred system for a single back-in apparatus bay, and is designed to connect to any motor vehicle tail pipe, capturing virtually 100% of the exhaust emissions. The SBT system can be used in parking bays where the vehicle tail pipe is within 12 metres of the door.
It is a fully automatic system, including fan activation and system disconnect from the exiting vehicle. The SBT system is fully code compliant, and easy to use by a one-step connection to the vehicle as it enters the station.
The SBT is the right choice if you are looking for an exhaust removal system that is easy to use and ensures effective and efficient diesel exhaust gas removal.


The Sliding Balancer Track System (SBT) sets the standard in extracting vehicle emissions for fire and emergency response vehicles around the world.


● Auto-disconnect at the exit door● Door-to-door removal of hazardous exhaust gases● Virtually 100% at-source capture through a unique automatic Grabber® nozzle; available in sizes to fit all emergency response vehicle tail pipe sizes● Automatic start-stop of fan by using an exhaust sensor● Futureproof - expandable design
The STR system is the preferred system for a drive-through apparatus bay, and is designed to connect to any motor vehicle tail pipe, capturing virtually 100% of the exhaust emissions.
This system is ideal for bays with up to four vehicles parked in tandem. It is a fully automatic system, including fan activation and system disconnect from the exiting vehicle. The STR system is fully code-compliant and easy to use by a one-step connection to the vehicle as it enters the station.
The STR is the right choice f you are looking for an exhaust removal system that is easy to use and ensure effective and efficient diesel exhaust gas removal for multiple vehicles in line.


The Vertical Stack Rail System (VSR) is the solution for vehicles that have a vertical exhaust pipe and need to move in or through an apparatus bay.


● A fully automatic system● Fits any vehicle stack● Expandable to almost any length● Suitable for existing fire stations and new design-built stations● Futureproof - expandable design
The VSR system is designed for vehicles with an overhead exhaust stack. With no operational intervention needed, the “V” shaped catcher guides the vehicle tail pipe into the rail profile. The VSR is a free-floating system that allows for side-to-side movement and automatically aligns itself with the vehicle tail pipe.It is a fully automatic system, including fan activation and system disconnect from the exiting vehicle. The VSR system is fully code-compliant and easy to use.The VSR is the right choice if you are looking for a vertical exhaust pipe, exhaust removal system that is easy to use and ensure effective and efficient diesel exhaust gas removal.


Diesel reykur er hættulegtur og sennilega sá þáttur í vinnuumhverfi slökkvistöðva sem er hvað mest krabbameinsvaldandi og heilsuspillandi. Unnt er að koma alfarið í veg fyrir heilsuspillandi aðstæður með afsogsbúnaði f. slökkvistöðvar og sjúkrabíla frá Plymovent. Kerfin eru sjálfvirk frá tengingu við bíl og losun og eru viðurkennd aðferð til að stjórna afsogi frá slökkvibílum og sjúkrabifreiðum.
Kerfi frá Plymovent er að finna m.a. á Slökkvistöð Hafnarfjarðar, Slökkvistöðinni í Skógarhlíð og Slökkvistöð Reykjavíkurflugvelli.