Í kæli- og frystikerfum þarf að fylgjast með þrýstingi og hitastigi, yfirhitun (superheating) eða undirkælingu (subcooling) þannig að tryggt sé kerfið vinni á rekstrarlega hagvæman máta . Ennfremur er mikilvægt að tryggja þéttleika kerfisins og koma í veg fyrir leka. Með testo mælum er unnt að framkvæma allar mælingar eftirlit og viðhald með kæli- og frystikerfum og tryggja reksraröryggi og hámarks nýtni kæli- og frystikerfa.
Kynning á búnaði hérSamanburður á mælabúnaði f. KæliiðnaðBæklingur
testo 550s settin
testo 550s Basic Kit
testo 550s Basic Kit - Smart digital manifold with fixed cable clamp temperature probes
In the kit: testo 550s smart digital manifold with Bluetooth and 2-way valve block, 2 x clamp temperature probes (fixed cable, NTC), caseOrder-Nr. 0564 5501Nánar
testo 550s Smart Kit - Smart digital manifold with wireless clamp temperature probes
In the kit: testo 550s smart digital manifold with Bluetooth and 2-way valve block, 2 x testo 115i wireless clamp temperature probes (Bluetooth, NTC), caseOrder-Nr. 0564 5502Nánar
testo 550s Smart Kit with filling hoses - Smart digital manifold with wireless clamp temperature probes and hose filling set with 3 hoses
In the kit: testo 550s smart digital manifold with Bluetooth and 2-way valve block, 2 x testo 115i wireless clamp temperature probes (Bluetooth, NTC), hose filling set with 3 hoses, caseOrder-Nr. 0564 5503Nánar
testo 557s settin
testo 557s Smart Vacuum Kit - Smart digital manifold with wireless vacuum and clamp temperature probes
In the kit: testo 557s smart digital manifold with Bluetooth and 4-way valve block, 1 x testo 552i wireless vacuum probe (Bluetooth), 2 x testo 115i wireless clamp temperature probes (Bluetooth, NTC), caseOrder-Nr. 0564 5571Nánar
testo 557s Smart Vacuum Kit with filling hoses - Smart digital manifold with wireless vacuum and clamp temperature probes and hose filling set with 4 hoses
In the kit: testo 557s smart digital manifold with Bluetooth and 4-way valve block, 1 x testo 552i wireless vacuum probe (Bluetooth), 2 x testo 115i wireless clamp temperature probes (Bluetooth, NTC), hose filling set with 4 hoses, caseOrder-Nr. 0564 5572Nánar
World innovation – digital refrigerant scale testo 560i